Saturday 1 February 2014

The Happiness Diaries- Day 11

So today is the last in the series of posts I did on happiness and how it can be achieved, things to do to make you feel happy and what about if you're unhappy and how to recognise it's seriousness and how to get help.

Today's post is going to be simple and will basically tell you one more thing you can do to achieve happiness (in my opinion) (I should have put a disclaimer about that) (These things make me happy, and may make you happy) (I hope they do) (I'm going to stop typing like this)

Last thing you can do to make yourself feel better and happy is adventuring. Now I have mentioned this before but on Wednesday, I went for an adventure. I sometimes get these nights where I don't and can't sleep so I stay up all night which didn't make me very happy but then I realised that I just got paid so a few hours later, I got washed and dressed and headed to central London. Now I live in London but that doesn't mean I live with the Queen or my house is the London Eye, I live in London but about half an hour away from central London, which is a lot better than where I live and so better for exploring and adventuring around. So I went all round London, spent a lot of money (wouldn't recommend doing that on adventures, means you have to walk round with shopping bags) and cleared my head. It was really busy in parts of London but some part were peaceful and quiet and a great way to just relax and get you out of your own head. I guarantee you, if you're stressed, bored, unhappy, going for a walk and adventuring will make you feel better.

If not, look at this picture of these huskies...

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So that is officially it!
My last Happiness Diaries post, however I won't stop posting. I'll still be blogging and will be blogging about everything so make sure you stay tuned and share these posts!

Hopefully you enjoyed these posts, and remember they won't be going anywhere, so if you get unhappy give them a read and do some of the things I write about.

Hope you enjoyed this, and i'll be blogging more soon!

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