Wednesday 29 January 2014

The Happiness Diaries- Day 10

Today's post is going to be about things to do to when you're sad. Today i'm in a really rubbish mood so I have actually done these things today.

  • Don't listen to Bob Dylan or Lou Reed.
  • Watch Innuendo Bingo, if you don't know what that is, you're seriously missing out.
  • Tumblr search 'Taylor Swift.'
  • Watch Napoleon Dynamite
  • Drink tea. Lots and lots of tea.
  • As much as you might not want to, go outside, go for a long walk, adventure around where you live.
  • If it's raining and you can't go out, build a fort.
  • Make a playlist of songs that suit your mood.
  • Look at pictures of Ryan Gosling.
  • Bake cakes.
  • Eat cakes.
  • Talk to someone about how you feel.
  • Wear a massive jumper.
  • Organise your room, redecorate, put up pictures, fairy lights and anything you want to put up.
  • Sleep.
  • Remember Leonardo Dicaprio doesn't have an oscar either.
  • There is always tumblr.
  • Read.
  • Remember... there is always pizza.
There you go, today's very small post but I should probably go do some of these things.
New post tomorrow, hope you liked this!

Monday 27 January 2014

The Happiness Diaries- Day 9

Hey everyone!
My post today is going back to music because for me, music makes me feel 100% better when i'm feeling low or just icky. Also recently I rediscovered bands, songs and albums I used to listen to all the time or listen to them when I was younger and it has made me so happy and reminiscent of old memories so I decided to do a playlist of music that makes me happy.

  • 42 Song Pop Punk Mashup- So I heard this on tumblr a week or so ago and I can't stop listening to it, it reminds me of putting on a stupid amount of Kohl eyeliner, when my parents stopped calling me Grace and started calling me Alice Cooper (If you don't know who he is, shame. Shame on you.) This track just reminded me of my HUGE fail of an attempt of being emo because for god sake, I have blonde curly hair and my room is pink, Winnie the Pooh is more emo than me, but the memories this brought up were great.
  • White Lies- Strangers- This whole album is amazing. Pure and simple. White Lies have always been one of my favourite bands, they are so underrated and original. The memories that come up when I listen to them is being very drunk at Reading 2013 seeing them with my other very drunk friends singing and dancing my face off, they are a great live band and their songs are all great. Go listen to the whole album Ritual.

  • Hellogoodbye- Here In Your Arms- This song is the first single I bought with my own money at Woolworths (oh god Woolworths, the best place in the entire world, the place you could get everything you ever needed... and it's been 7 years since there was a Woolworth shop, bet you feel old now.) The moment I saw and heard this song on the TV I feel in love and run to buy it, it reminds me of playing it on repeat for about 5 months.
  • Gwen Stefani- Love Angel Music Baby- This album is my childhood summed up. Gwen Stefani was my idol and still kinda is, every song on this album is a hit and when I got this album for Christmas, I was the happiest 10 year old and tried to convince my mum to let me cut my hair and dye it blonde so I could be her. Safe to say, mumma Harris was having none of it but I had my album so life wasn't so bad.

  • Alice Cooper- School's out- Now I've mentioned this man already in the post so if you didn't know who he was then, you know now. I've been listening to this song due to the fact i'm feeling nostalgic for my high school days (It was a brief moment of lack of judgement, but i'm unemployed having a mid life crisis, when you're at school you don't have that!) This song is just perfect and reminds everyone of summer and for some reason it reminds me of Grease but that's probably just me and my twisted mind set.
  • Stevie Nicks- Edge Of Seventeen- I blame my dad for this, a few nights ago after coming home from a work prize giving and a lot of free drinks, he came in singing this amazing song (and using the bread bin as a drum so he could drum very loudly the tune... at half 1 in the morning.) This song just reminds me of my music transformation after watching School Of Rock, I used to listen to the top 40 chart and had basically every 'Now This Is What I Call Music whatever number' albums which are still good no matter what anyone says, but after watching this film I was brought into the world of rock and roll and with the help of my dad, a secret lover of all that is rock, he introduced me to such bands as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Who, Deep Purple, The Doors and this amazing woman Stevie Nicks. From then on my music taste has become the one thing I've prided myself on.

  • Mumford and Sons (And Friends)- The Chain (Cover)- This reminds me of summer and how amazing live music is in the heat and how much I love festivals. Fleetwood Mac are an amazing band and I feel this cover really respects them and this song has it's own twist without ruining it. I can't really articulate my feelings on this because it would be something like... afholgbwgfwehibjkaasjkajkafjjavjajagbnk. 

That's it! The memories playlist of songs that make me very happy. Hope you liked it and I'll be doing another post tomorrow.

Sunday 26 January 2014

The Happiness Diaries- Day 8

Today's post in going to be simple but powerful in that it will restore your faith in humanity and in doing that will make you feel better. It will also give you some inspiration to do good for other people which in turn will make you feel better!

African American doctors attempting to save the life of a Klu Klux Klan member.

Timely reminder that people are inherently good. 

Today's post is pretty simple but i'm currently in a KFC food coma so I write something better tomorrow promise.
Hope you liked this post!

Friday 24 January 2014

The Happiness Diaries- Day 7

It's 5:34 am and I'm wide awake so I thought i'd do my blog post now. Today's happiness diaries is going to be about self esteem and liking yourself. These things are very hard to achieve in today's society but I've thought of three ways you can bring up your self esteem and make yourself happy by doing these things.

1. Do what you want.
This sounds vague and could be misinterpreted, when I say do what you want, I don't mean go out, do drugs and pull a Justin Bieber, I mean with ideas of dressing how you want because you want to, not because some fashion/lifestyle magazine matches your figure up with a piece of fruit or inanimate object then pairs you an outfit that would suit your shape. Seriously, ignore it, wear what you like whether that is a huge red furry hat or just jeans and converse. At first, you might get some weird looks from strangers which might make you question your choice of outfit and make you feel bad about yourself but who cares about a complete randoms opinion?... You won't when you keep this up, people respect people who are themselves and not pretending to be something they aren't, trust me, I know so many fakers and people who pretend to be something they're not, it's transparent and obvious so you might as well be yourself because it's less effort and people will love you for it. Oh and if they don't, then at least you know to stay away from those people because they are not your friends but I can guarantee you will find people who will like you for you. This rule also applies for music, especially for music, there is nothing I hate more than people who pretend to like certain types of music because 'it's so cool, oh look how hip I am yay indie wat', so same rules apply, if you like a band, listen to them and if people laugh at you because you like this band then once again WHO CARES, it makes you happy so listen to it. Do what you want and with this rule type mantra you will see your self esteem and confidence boost and become happier within yourself which leads me to my next point...

2. Liking who you are, inside and out.
In this society, people are apparently supposed to look a certain way and if you don't look this way, you're a freak, outcast and not worth of people's time... this is bullshit. Everyone is different whether it's the way you look or who you are and you should embrace it. Now I know from experience this is easier said then done, we live in the world of photoshop and 'perfection' but no one is perfect, maybe the Olsen Twins, ok maybe not they are very pretty though, anyways i'm off point. No one is perfect, everyone has insecurities and doubts about themselves. During my time of Cognitive Behavior therapy I learnt a method that helps build up your self esteem and puts your thoughts of self hatred because of your appearance into perspective, this works for both looks and personality dismorphia, so go get a piece of paper, pen and a ruler. Now draw a line in the middle of the paper and at one end of the line put 'Good' and the other put 'Bad'. Now put a mark where you think you'd go on this spectrum. Then go to one end of the line, best place is to start with 'Bad' and write all the worst, most disgusting, horrible people you can think of. Do the same with 'Good' and think of lovely, great people, these people can be famous or people you know. Once you've completed the spectrum of what you see as 'Good' and 'Bad' reevaluate your position on the line because i'm sure you will move up towards 'Good' unless you're an evil mastermind. Doing this exercise will make you rethink who you are as a person and your thoughts of yourself, my use of this exercise meant I put myself near the bad part of the line then I put down Hitler, Katie Price and a girl I know who is horrible and then I changed and put myself near Florence Welch and Beyonce. It makes you rethink and these negative thought processes will change into positive thoughts. What I will admit is that I'm still insecure with how I look, I do however like some parts of my looks for example, my eyes but I know for certain that I'm a good, kind, lovely, friendly person who shouldn't think of herself as bad or horrible because it's not true. Honestly, looks fade anyways, so all those girls and boys you can think of and go 'Oh I wish I looked like that' will one day be ugly and might not be as good a person, so like yourself for who you are and be yourself. That sounds so cheesy but it's true. Now for the last step...

3. Follow in the way of Kanye West.
This guy loves himself and doesn't care what anyone thinks. If everyone had this mentality, the world would be a better place. So here is some West quotes that will keep up this mentality.

So there it is, a really early morning blog from a sleep deprived Grace, hope you enjoy it and it helped!

Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Happiness Diaries- Day 6

Today's post on how to make you feel and be happier is going to involve my favourite thing to do... read.

Reading books can make you feel better and let you escape reality for a few hours and here are some books I've read and that are great to read and escape, so sit somewhere quiet with a cup of tea or coffee and read yourself into a good mood.

  • All the Harry Potter books- JK Rowling
  • The Fault In Our Stars- John Green
  • All Game Of Thrones books- George R. R.Martin
  • The Host by Stephanie Meyer
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
  • Flowers In The Attic (And the rest of the series)- V.C. Andrews
  • Morrissey- Autobiography
  • The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  • Romeo and Juliet- William Shakespeare
  • Brick Lane-  Monica Ali
  • Eleanor & Park- Rainbow Rowell
  • IT- Alexa Chung
  • The Series Of Unfortunate Events- Lemony Snicket (Daniel Handler)
  • Matilda- Roald Dahl
  • Atonement- Ian McEwan 
And that's it, just a quick list of great books to read that will make you feel better!

New post on The Happiness Diaries tomorrow, hope you enjoy this post.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Happiness Diaries- Day 5

Day five of the Happiness Diaries and this post is going to be about a subject that certain people feel uncomfortable talking about, a subject people ignore and put it down to 'a bad day' and a subject that needs more attention. The subject I'm going to be talking about today is Depression.

A common misconception of 'Depression' is when someone is sad because they had a fight with their girlfriend or boyfriend, they didn't get the job they wanted or they just felt sad. Now this emotion some people think of as Depression is just the natural human emotion of sadness. Now real depression is nothing like that, anyone can have Depression, the happiest person you know could have it, the person you speak to everyday who seems to have their life in order could have it and this is why it needs to be talked about more because the most ordinary person in the world could get this disease and be suffering alone. Now, I know a lot about this illness because I have it. I know the pain of people who have it or the people who are no longer with their family or their friends because they committed suicide, I've been to those dark places and I've tried to harm myself and I know it's a very serious problem that can't be put down to 'Oh, you're just having a bad day, you'll feel better if you got out of bed'. This issue that many people don't see as an issue is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds, every 30 seconds someone somewhere takes their own life because of Depression and it's happening every single day. This needs to stop.

The stigma of Depression in society is ignorance, it doesn't understand how people feel, what people go through, it pushes the problem under the rug and leaves people who suffer from this sickness on their own. We live in a society where if someone breaks their arm, everyone runs to sign their cast and sends them get well soon cards and we live in a society where is someone says they are have Depression, everyone looks the other way, they are segregated from people they thought were their friends, they are not taken seriously, told to 'Pull yourself together, push past this, you're not depressed you're just lazy' and made to feel stupid and incompetent, people who have depression, because of society and it's ignorant view, are left feeling like the illness, the sickness that they have is not worth of being deemed as an illness. You wouldn't blame someone who broke their arm for doing it on purpose,saying it's their fault, so why should you put blame and shame on people who are Depressed.

We need to be honest, we need to speak up and accept others and accept ourselves. We need to join together and fight against the reason why you're best friend won't come out with you, why she can't even get out of bed, why she can't eat, drink or sleep. We need to make the illness that effects 17 million people a year not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength, that the people who suffer this disease have woken up in the morning alive, we should celebrate that courage and help them along their way to beat this.

If you're going through Depression, you're ok, you're not weak, you're not unworthy, you're sick and it's an issue not an identity! It's a part of life and it might drag you down to the darkest places imaginable but being dragged down means you can be pulled back up. Pain shouldn't define you, it should give you hope and faith that things will get better, you won't always feel like this and this message needs to be passed on and as a society we need to speak up whether we have Depression ourselves or we know someone who is suffering, we need to have the confidence and the pride in ourselves to admit it...

My name is Grace Harris and I suffer from Depression.

We need to admit it so we can get help and get back to living life. But we also need to admit that we need help from others, and these others need to identify this problem and get rid of this ignorance and open their eyes to this sickness and join together and help.
Accept yourself for who you are and don't be ashamed to have Depression. Tell someone so we can stand strong together.

If you are suffering from Depression, feeling suicidal or just need someone to talk to, here are helpful and amazing organisations that will help you.

Also if any of you do need someone to talk to my tumblr ask box is always open if you click here.

I hope you liked this post and there will be another tomorrow.

Monday 20 January 2014

The Happiness Diaries- Day 4.

Day four of The Happiness Diaries and today's post is going to be a random list of different things you can do to make you feel better and feel happy. It can be things to do on your own or with other people but each one has been tested (by me) to make you feel better!

  • Read any book written by John Green.
  • Give yourself a makeover. If you're not wearing makeup, look up makeup tutorials and try it out. If you are wearing makeup, take it off and be natural.
  • Cut, dye and change your hair, be extreme because why not?! It grows back, don't worry!
  • Go through your wardrobe, get rid of items you don't wear or want anymore, give those clothes to charity and you'll definitely feel better about yourself.
  • Exercise. Go for a run or the gym or just go for a walk, you'll realise endorphins and will feel amazing.
  • Watch trashy, cheesy tv... there is nothing like laughing at the Kardashians or Honey Boo Boo.
  • Make a playlist of your favourite songs.
  • Research and find new music, refresh your taste and find new bands/artists that suit your mood.
  • Clean your room, move things around, get rid of things, change it up and maybe redecorate.
  • Go on an adventure whether you get on a train or bus or just walk round the place you live to find new places. Bring a camera and take pictures of your adventure.
  • Make a scrapbook, use the pictures you took on your adventure and put it in this book.
  • Eat pizza because it's amazing. Enough said.
  • Have a nap, sleep is the best and can refresh and reinvigorate you and make you feel better.

So that's it, a quick easy list of things to do to make you feel better!
There will be another post tomorrow, and I hope you liked this post.

Sunday 19 January 2014

The Happiness Diaries- Day 3

My day today has been spent sleeping, eating and watching a ridiculous amount of films. Having lazy days can be the best thing to put you in a good mood whether you do it on your own or do it with a friend or friends.

The only thing to do on lazy days is watch as many films as you possible can, so i'm going to list some of my favourite films to watch on lazy days and the best films to watch on Netfilx (if you have it) (which you should) (it's amazing).

My favourite films to watch on lazy days
  • Clueless
  • Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind
  • Like Crazy
  • Inception
  • The Bling Ring
  • The Little Mermaid
  • Basically any Disney film you can get your hands on (Have a Disney movie marathon)
  • The Breakfast club
  • All the Harry Potter films
  • The Hunger Games
  • Step Brothers
  • Nowhere Boy
  • Uptown Girl
  • Adventureland
  • Charlie And The Chocolate Factory (original version)
  • The Great Gatsby 
  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • Silver Linings Playbook
  • 50/50
So that's my list and now for the good films to watch on Netflix.
  • The Truman Show
  • Kevin Hart: I'm A Grown Little Man
  • Ghostbusters
  • Pretty In Pink
  • Breakfast At Tiffany's
  • Sleepwalk With Me
  • Grease
  • Forrest Gump
  • The Cider House Rules
  • You Me and Everyone We Know
  • Love Actually
  • Lost In Translation
  • Following
  • Manhattan
  • Requiem For A Dream (only watch this if you're feeling insanely serious, or you want to stop drinking/doing drugs)
  • Archie's Final Project
  • The Details
  • Being John Malkovich
  • Brokeback Mountain
  • Whats Eating Gilbert Grape

  • Fargo
  • Submarine
  • But I'm A Cheerleader
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Memento
  • Trainspotting
  • Klown
  • Sleepwalk With Me
  • Heathers
  • Outsourced
  • Donnie Darko
  • The Pianist
  • Punch Drunk Love
  • American Psycho
  • PI
  • Party Monster
And that's my list of films that are great to watch on a lazy day which will put you in a good mood and make you happy!
Hope you like this post and there will be another tomorrow.

Saturday 18 January 2014

The Happiness Diaries- Day 2

Today's post about happiness is going to involve the device that 20% of the world's population, that is over 1 billion people use, and that you're currently using now to read this on... yep that's right, the internet.

Now the internet is mad but great, and can improve your mood and bring happiness in these simple easy steps...

1. Youtube
The site that has over 120,000,000 videos, there are over 140 views for every person on Earth and 4 billion videos are viewed a day. Now the reason I'm saying that youtube will make you happy is because of the pure gold that is currently on this website, the rage is amazing, you can watch tutorials on how to do makeup or cats playing piano or men waking up from surgery and seeing his wife for the first time. Oh yeah, and Beyonce. So I'm going to do a mini list of the best videos on this website to make you smile.

  • Seeing her for the first time- this has to be the funniest and sweetest video on here!
  • Youtubers React To Japenese Commercials - watching youtubers react to trippy japenese commercials is hilarious, also watch The Fine Bros other react videos, they are hilarious and some are very interesting and eye opening.
  • Stereotypes (Hipsters vs Chavs)- These videos from the youtube channel I Am Other created by the legend Pharrell Williams are my favourite thing to watch. The hilarious, cool, awesome present Ryan Hall basically goes round asking members of the public questions on a certain subject. What makes these videos so good is the variety of opinions and it's hilarious and fresh. Go watch all of them, I promise you won't regret it!
  • Cat playing piano- I really dislike cats but this is hilarious. Cats on the internet make everyone happy, including me a person who avoids cats like the plague.
  • Cooking with a 3 year old: Slobber carrots and gross barbecue-  Kids on the internet are cute but they are made even cuter when they are the product of John Green. 
  • Lie Witness News (Coachella 2013)- Some hipsters are so annoying so God bless Jimmy Kimmel for outing their annoyingness. 
2. Tumblr
If you've never heard of this website then you probably have friends, a social life and you know activities and that.  Tumblr is the craziest, best, worst, most disturbing, most wonderful and beautiful website ever. In summary, tumblr is a website where you follow blogs and reblog pictures that suit your personality and just pictures you like.  It's a great website to discover new things but also a great website to destroy your mind. If you don't have it, get it! There is some really funny stuff on there which will regain your faith in humanity and is great for procrastinating, but try not to let it suck up your life and leave you with regret and disappointment when you're on it till 4 in the morning. If you do have tumblr, follow me and join the madness.

3. Twitter
Twitter is a great way to basically stalk people. The concept of the website is quiet strange, you're basically sharing your thoughts with the entire world (or your followers). It's quiet a good thing to express yourself on but also like tumblr, it will restore your faith in humanity because people on there are hilarious and here is people you need to follow for that banter.
  • Dylan and Cole Sprouse- They ditched their disney image and became hilarious and so hot.
  • Amanda Bynes- Her tweets are ridiculously wrong but amazing. 
  • JME- He speaks the truth (especially about Big Brother) and it's so funny.
  • So Sad Today- If you have a fucked up sense of humor like myself, follow this account now.
  • Ricky Gervais- His mugshots will make your life.

So enjoy the wonders of the internet and you will feel better!
Hope you enjoyed this post and I'll post a new post tomorrow.

Friday 17 January 2014

The Happiness Diaries.

Hey everyone,
So I'm half way through January also known as the most depressing month of the year... yay.... I thought it would be a good idea (and I was inspired by Radio 1's happiness programme) to do my ideas to make you feel better and happy!

I do realise that we are near the end of the month but I have been speaking to a lot of people about happiness and I think these happiness diaries are necessary in getting through this shitty month. So till the end of the month, I'm going to bring an idea you can do on your own or with other people.

Today's idea is a happiness playlist created by me with great 90s hits, really really cheesy songs and songs that are known and will guarantee to make people happy!

Starting the playlist off with....

1. The Jackson 5- I Want You Back
Great song with a great melody, it's so upbeat and has been scientifically proven to make people happy!

2. Outkast- Hey Ya
I'm sorry but you can't be sad while listening to Outkast.

3. Backstreet Boys- Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
This song is sure to bring back nostalgic memories of your childhood which will bring a smile on your face. Also watching the video whilst listening to the song just brings amazing entertainment value, those (not so) special effects are genius.

4. Bright Eyes- First Day Of My Life
Now this song is really chilled out and probably a good rest song because let's face it, you were dancing to those previous songs. It might be slower but this track will give you the warm fuzzy happy feeling.

5. She & Him- In The Sun
Zooey Deschanel makes everyone happy, she is so cute and cool. However, if she doesn't at least you have this upbeat,sweet song by her band.

6. The Turtles- Happy Together
This song has the word happy in it, so it's kind of a giveaway about how it will make you feel. It's catchy lyrics will have you singing and dancing your way to feeling better. It will also make you want to invent a time machine so you can travel back to the 60s.

7. Bob Marley- Don't Worry, Be Happy
This song is basically an explanation of how to be happy, don't care about unnecessary things, live in the moment and listen to Bob Marley and don't worry... be happy.

8. Pharrell Williams- Happy
This will be the last song i'll put on the playlist with the word happy in it but it's a new, fresh record which is funky and sung by the coolest of the cool, Pharrell Williams. This is another record i recommend you watch the video and listen, the video is full of people of all ages, sizes, races dancing and having a laugh and people dressed as minions.

9. Queen- Don't Stop Me Now
Now we have the songs that have to be played at old school discos, that you remember being played at those tween parties in your local town hall and this one is the ultimate classic. Freddie Mercury's vocals are the definition of happiness and this song is perfect and really motivational.

10. The Killers- Mr Brightside
This is the song everyone rushes on the dance floor to jump around and scream, shout the lyrics in each others faces. Dance moves that match the lyrics are optional. It's classic.

11. Wham!- Wake Me Up Before You Go Go
This song is fabulous, if you're wondering why i'd put this song into the playlist, watch Zoolander and the scene where it's played and you'll understand. Then go out grab 3 friends and reenact the scene (minus the petrol fight of course).

12. Steps- 5, 6, 7, 8
You can't get cheesier or more brilliant a song to put you in a good mood than this. Steps are my all time favourite childhood band (soz S-Club) so I have embarrassing but lovely memories of dancing to this in my living room. And yes I am now 19 and yes I still remember the dance moves.

13. David Bowie- Let's Dance
Do as Bowie tells you and dance... that is all.

14. Aha- Take On Me
This song is most effective to make you happy when you are either 1. Home alone, 2. In the car alone, 3. At a wedding. However in those 3 occasions where this song has to be played, it has to be played loud and proud, full volume singing your heart out.

15. Britney Spears- (You Drive Me) Crazy
This is the last song on the happiness playlist and what a way to end it with the princess of pop (oh god, did i really type that, cringe). Young Britney tracks are proven (by me and my mum) to make you lose it, you'll sing loud and not give a damn. Also, the girl who plays Sabrina the teenage witch is in it, what could be better than reminiscing the shows you watched as a kid on saturday mornings.

That's it!
Hopefully you enjoyed the playlist and feel happier, if not i'll send you chocolate (maybe) (probably not) (i'm poor)
I'll be doing another Happiness Diaries tomorrow!

Tuesday 14 January 2014

The Rickshaw Run.

Hi everyone,

Now I know I normally blog about music but I feel the need to share my thoughts on this incredibly moving, wonderful and hilarious 4 part mini series created by the well known youtubers 'Jacksgap'.
I've been watching their videos for a while now but this piece of work really showed off their talents. If you haven't heard of them or have no idea what I'm talking about, I shall explain.

So the Rickshaw Run is an event where you drive across India in under 3 weeks. Jacksgap did this event to raise as much money as they could for the Teenage Cancer trust. This is one of many reasons why I love this so much, this charity helps so many young people who have cancer, giving them hope and supporting them. It's a great choice of charity because viewers who watch Jacksgap may be suffering from this disease. I also personally think that it is really lovely that everyone involved with this project decided not to just do it for the sake of filming in India, going travelling with friends but did it for a cause that involves their youtube community, it shows their compassion and their motivation to help people. Now if you're still reading, you may think I'm a crazy, obsessed fan girl.... this is not the case, I simply respect them and those who were involved. Baring in mind, the boys who did the Rickshaw Run are around my age group, and I'm currently a 19 year old girl sitting in her pj's having an existential, 'Holy shit i'm 20 this year what am i doing with my life' crisis and these guys are helping people and travelling around India. It's really motivational and has also helped push me to do my travels in the summer,to film/vlog about it and when I get back do more for other people. 

I also loved that everyone who went filmed their experience with their own cameras. It brought about different aspects, views and showed the variety of the experience from each perspective which was really entertaining and refreshing. Due to the Rickshaw Run and how it was filmed by the group, I just bought a ProGo camera for my travels this summer (sorry bank account).

Basically all I can say is these 4 videos made by insanely gifted people need to be watched by as many people as humanly possible, it shows so much wonder of India and the variations of different people, it shows India's beauty and shows that there are lovely, caring people out there, not just the people who thought and created this but the people in India helping them on their way. So I'm going to leave the videos at the bottom and hopefully you'll watch it!

The Jacksgap Teenage Cancer trust campaign ended on December the 17th 2013 and they raised a total of $177,521 which is an amazing amount of money! If you would like to help, support or donate to the Teenage Cancer Trust then click here!

Hope you all liked my different style and topic of my blog today and I'll be blogging soon when I can think of something to write about!

The Rickshaw Run- Part 1
The Rickshaw Run- Part 2
The Rickshaw Run- Part 3
The Richshaw Run- Part 4

Friday 3 January 2014

Music Tag


So this is my first 2014 blog post and I couldn't think of anything original so welcome to my music tag.


1. Favorite band/ musician of the moment
2. One band you always come back to
3. Favorite movie soundtrack
4. What is/are your favorite song(s) of all time?
5. Most embarrassing song on your itunes
6. Favorite concert you've attended
7. Most underrated musician in your opinion
8. Favorite quote or song lyric

1. At the moment i'm loving Lorde and her album 'Pure Heroine'. I have also have started re re re watching The OC and the soundtrack for that is genius and so well thought out, full of small bands with great voices and songs and listening to the soundtrack makes me want to move to America.

2. A band i've always come back to is possibly City and Colour,The Smiths, Eagles, Radiohead, Modest Mouse. I always listen to these bands but I do go through fazes of other bands and musicians but always return to these one especially because they remind me of different times of the year and points in my life.

3. Favourite movie soundtrack is probably a toss up between Adventureland, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist and 13 Going On 30. All different and all fab.

4. I hate this question because I don't have any answer. I love so many different songs ranging from David Bowie to Swedish House Mafia. All my favourite songs are my favourite due to the fact they either bring back memories or because the lyrics mean or relate to me. 

5. I guess all my old 70s stuff, ABBA, The Spice Girls, Steps and the macarena. I have a great music taste.

6. TOMORROWLAND. It's a festival not a concert but TOMORROWLAND.

7. Dallas Green. The guy is an angel and sings like one. Not many people would have heard of of City and Colour but they are an amazing band who have some of the most greatest songs/lyrics ever. I love him so much, seeing him at Camden Roundhouse was one of my the best nights of my life. Honestly, I think I had a religious experience.... 

8. First one to come into my head is 'Take the pieces and build them skywards.'- Biffy Clyro, Machines. Mon the Biff.

So there we have it, my music tag. Done. Sorted.