Friday 24 January 2014

The Happiness Diaries- Day 7

It's 5:34 am and I'm wide awake so I thought i'd do my blog post now. Today's happiness diaries is going to be about self esteem and liking yourself. These things are very hard to achieve in today's society but I've thought of three ways you can bring up your self esteem and make yourself happy by doing these things.

1. Do what you want.
This sounds vague and could be misinterpreted, when I say do what you want, I don't mean go out, do drugs and pull a Justin Bieber, I mean with ideas of dressing how you want because you want to, not because some fashion/lifestyle magazine matches your figure up with a piece of fruit or inanimate object then pairs you an outfit that would suit your shape. Seriously, ignore it, wear what you like whether that is a huge red furry hat or just jeans and converse. At first, you might get some weird looks from strangers which might make you question your choice of outfit and make you feel bad about yourself but who cares about a complete randoms opinion?... You won't when you keep this up, people respect people who are themselves and not pretending to be something they aren't, trust me, I know so many fakers and people who pretend to be something they're not, it's transparent and obvious so you might as well be yourself because it's less effort and people will love you for it. Oh and if they don't, then at least you know to stay away from those people because they are not your friends but I can guarantee you will find people who will like you for you. This rule also applies for music, especially for music, there is nothing I hate more than people who pretend to like certain types of music because 'it's so cool, oh look how hip I am yay indie wat', so same rules apply, if you like a band, listen to them and if people laugh at you because you like this band then once again WHO CARES, it makes you happy so listen to it. Do what you want and with this rule type mantra you will see your self esteem and confidence boost and become happier within yourself which leads me to my next point...

2. Liking who you are, inside and out.
In this society, people are apparently supposed to look a certain way and if you don't look this way, you're a freak, outcast and not worth of people's time... this is bullshit. Everyone is different whether it's the way you look or who you are and you should embrace it. Now I know from experience this is easier said then done, we live in the world of photoshop and 'perfection' but no one is perfect, maybe the Olsen Twins, ok maybe not they are very pretty though, anyways i'm off point. No one is perfect, everyone has insecurities and doubts about themselves. During my time of Cognitive Behavior therapy I learnt a method that helps build up your self esteem and puts your thoughts of self hatred because of your appearance into perspective, this works for both looks and personality dismorphia, so go get a piece of paper, pen and a ruler. Now draw a line in the middle of the paper and at one end of the line put 'Good' and the other put 'Bad'. Now put a mark where you think you'd go on this spectrum. Then go to one end of the line, best place is to start with 'Bad' and write all the worst, most disgusting, horrible people you can think of. Do the same with 'Good' and think of lovely, great people, these people can be famous or people you know. Once you've completed the spectrum of what you see as 'Good' and 'Bad' reevaluate your position on the line because i'm sure you will move up towards 'Good' unless you're an evil mastermind. Doing this exercise will make you rethink who you are as a person and your thoughts of yourself, my use of this exercise meant I put myself near the bad part of the line then I put down Hitler, Katie Price and a girl I know who is horrible and then I changed and put myself near Florence Welch and Beyonce. It makes you rethink and these negative thought processes will change into positive thoughts. What I will admit is that I'm still insecure with how I look, I do however like some parts of my looks for example, my eyes but I know for certain that I'm a good, kind, lovely, friendly person who shouldn't think of herself as bad or horrible because it's not true. Honestly, looks fade anyways, so all those girls and boys you can think of and go 'Oh I wish I looked like that' will one day be ugly and might not be as good a person, so like yourself for who you are and be yourself. That sounds so cheesy but it's true. Now for the last step...

3. Follow in the way of Kanye West.
This guy loves himself and doesn't care what anyone thinks. If everyone had this mentality, the world would be a better place. So here is some West quotes that will keep up this mentality.

So there it is, a really early morning blog from a sleep deprived Grace, hope you enjoy it and it helped!

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