Friday 17 January 2014

The Happiness Diaries.

Hey everyone,
So I'm half way through January also known as the most depressing month of the year... yay.... I thought it would be a good idea (and I was inspired by Radio 1's happiness programme) to do my ideas to make you feel better and happy!

I do realise that we are near the end of the month but I have been speaking to a lot of people about happiness and I think these happiness diaries are necessary in getting through this shitty month. So till the end of the month, I'm going to bring an idea you can do on your own or with other people.

Today's idea is a happiness playlist created by me with great 90s hits, really really cheesy songs and songs that are known and will guarantee to make people happy!

Starting the playlist off with....

1. The Jackson 5- I Want You Back
Great song with a great melody, it's so upbeat and has been scientifically proven to make people happy!

2. Outkast- Hey Ya
I'm sorry but you can't be sad while listening to Outkast.

3. Backstreet Boys- Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
This song is sure to bring back nostalgic memories of your childhood which will bring a smile on your face. Also watching the video whilst listening to the song just brings amazing entertainment value, those (not so) special effects are genius.

4. Bright Eyes- First Day Of My Life
Now this song is really chilled out and probably a good rest song because let's face it, you were dancing to those previous songs. It might be slower but this track will give you the warm fuzzy happy feeling.

5. She & Him- In The Sun
Zooey Deschanel makes everyone happy, she is so cute and cool. However, if she doesn't at least you have this upbeat,sweet song by her band.

6. The Turtles- Happy Together
This song has the word happy in it, so it's kind of a giveaway about how it will make you feel. It's catchy lyrics will have you singing and dancing your way to feeling better. It will also make you want to invent a time machine so you can travel back to the 60s.

7. Bob Marley- Don't Worry, Be Happy
This song is basically an explanation of how to be happy, don't care about unnecessary things, live in the moment and listen to Bob Marley and don't worry... be happy.

8. Pharrell Williams- Happy
This will be the last song i'll put on the playlist with the word happy in it but it's a new, fresh record which is funky and sung by the coolest of the cool, Pharrell Williams. This is another record i recommend you watch the video and listen, the video is full of people of all ages, sizes, races dancing and having a laugh and people dressed as minions.

9. Queen- Don't Stop Me Now
Now we have the songs that have to be played at old school discos, that you remember being played at those tween parties in your local town hall and this one is the ultimate classic. Freddie Mercury's vocals are the definition of happiness and this song is perfect and really motivational.

10. The Killers- Mr Brightside
This is the song everyone rushes on the dance floor to jump around and scream, shout the lyrics in each others faces. Dance moves that match the lyrics are optional. It's classic.

11. Wham!- Wake Me Up Before You Go Go
This song is fabulous, if you're wondering why i'd put this song into the playlist, watch Zoolander and the scene where it's played and you'll understand. Then go out grab 3 friends and reenact the scene (minus the petrol fight of course).

12. Steps- 5, 6, 7, 8
You can't get cheesier or more brilliant a song to put you in a good mood than this. Steps are my all time favourite childhood band (soz S-Club) so I have embarrassing but lovely memories of dancing to this in my living room. And yes I am now 19 and yes I still remember the dance moves.

13. David Bowie- Let's Dance
Do as Bowie tells you and dance... that is all.

14. Aha- Take On Me
This song is most effective to make you happy when you are either 1. Home alone, 2. In the car alone, 3. At a wedding. However in those 3 occasions where this song has to be played, it has to be played loud and proud, full volume singing your heart out.

15. Britney Spears- (You Drive Me) Crazy
This is the last song on the happiness playlist and what a way to end it with the princess of pop (oh god, did i really type that, cringe). Young Britney tracks are proven (by me and my mum) to make you lose it, you'll sing loud and not give a damn. Also, the girl who plays Sabrina the teenage witch is in it, what could be better than reminiscing the shows you watched as a kid on saturday mornings.

That's it!
Hopefully you enjoyed the playlist and feel happier, if not i'll send you chocolate (maybe) (probably not) (i'm poor)
I'll be doing another Happiness Diaries tomorrow!

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